Late Pilot – This was a scene happened quickly in Taipei. The flight was minutes from departure and hundreds of people were anxiously wanting to board. The pilot went streaking through the airport toward the gate. He looked a bit frazzled.
The Innkeeper – This gentleman was the innkeeper in a hotel high up in the mountains of Taiwan. We arrived at about midnight he may have worked all day and night. He was a quiet 4ft 8in tall, 90 pound Asian man with greasy hair. He was a Betel Nut chewer which is a natural stimulant that unfortunately makes your teeth dark brown.
Airport Sleeper – When planes are delayed and people are stranded, airports take on entirely different personas then when they are running as normal. People begin to try to make an uncomfortable environment comfortable. It is not strange to see folks sleeping in public on the ground in make-shift campsites. This guy was sleeping soundly with his body twisted around sharp armrests, jacket as a blanket and a hard briefcase as a pillow.
Tokyo Blue Coat – This was my neighbor on a flight from Minneapolis to Tokyo. He wore a bright powder blue feather down puffy coat with a fluffy white fur collar. The coat was worn with pride, fully zipped up for the entire 18 hour flight. I also found it interesting that he went the entire flight without any form of entertainment, no headphones, books, magazines, iPods or conversation.
Fly Fishin' - It makes total sense for a guy waiting to fly to Detroit from Omaha NE to be reading a 300 page (yes, it was 3 inches thick) book about fly fishing at the airport. The matching Ditch Witch hat and jacket completed the look.
Grrr, Indianapolis . . .
This businessman sat waiting for his flight with a scowl on his face. It looked as if he was going to a performance review expecting to be terminated.
"Gate A28 Deb, Denver to Matzalan"
Last weekends trip to visit family in Minneapolis required some flying. I only was able to get one quick sketch in. It is a drawing of the gate attendant. She was really in her element.